I am thrilled you are here. I wanted to introduce myself as a multi-passionate, intuitive coach who can see the bigger picture and help you to think and dream bigger. Our circumstances do not define us, and because I know all too well how people try to label us, I create a personalized, nonjudgmental, safe place to share and be supported according to each clients’ individual needs. The greatest gift of coaching is utilizing my love of learning and learning about people to ask the questions, peel back the layers, hold space and listen while watching women transform – sometimes immediately as well as over time.

I believe if I can help one woman avoid just one of the pitfalls, hurts and/or deceptions I experienced, then sign me up...one leads to a million.

I have seized and created opportunities throughout my life and careers to make more for me and my children. I have also experienced struggles of doubt, frustration and self-sabotage. I know the feeling of abandonment, loss, grief and finding a God who loves me and one I can lean into. The death of everything I knew threw me into a journey I knew nothing about.

From this, I know the strength of focus and accountability. What drives me to succeed is knowing the benefit of helping women find freedom and peace through finding their truest most confident self. It brings me great fulfillment and happiness to see my clients flourish. I am committed to beginning every day with the purpose of helping others create a life of financial and personal freedom leading to peace. My purpose is to help others connect to their inner desires and strengths and to grow those into their future. 

It is not our lack of clarity that keeps us stuck but our limiting beliefs and disconnect from ourselves. Our past experiences are not our identity nor our future. It is within our secret thoughts that we hold our purpose.

It is time to go under that protective armor and find out what you’re feeling and how we can transform it. The tools you devised or were taught during childhood became more like protective defenses. Working together, you will become a confident, powerful woman as you transition from chaos to clarity all while learning to use the tools I teach during our sessions. 

“Lisa made me feel seen and heard from the start. In just one session she helped me find a way to approach what had felt unapproachable. With Lisa’s guidance I was able to take an important step forward, which helped me feel more equipped to deal with my situation.”

- Sandi L

“The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence.”

- Beyonce